To Love or not to love? There is no question!

“I believe in the immeasurable power of love; that true love can endure any circumstance and reach across any distance.” Steve Maraboli


And so it must be. Not just because circumstance dictates it but because there is no other way.


The feeling of being close together does not come with proximity. I have proof. Ever been a teenager at a party when everyone is coupled up except you? Plenty of people around doesn’t stop that feeling of loneliness from creeping in. Let me tell you story about the first time Marc went away to Las Vegas for the show in 2011. He was to be gone tow months with the rehearsals and first shows. My schedule prevented me from going to join him. So it was what it was. Every day I wrote him a card and sent to the hotel. I did not know how long it would take. In each card there was a piece of a puzzle. I had planned it so he would receive each piece before leaving except the last piece which I sent to his place in Montreal. It would be waiting for him upon his return. Every day that I sat down to write I would connect with my feelings. Then I would think about when Marc would read them. I would jump into the future for a moment. It is a ritual I maintain to this day. It is good for me and it is good for our love.


Loving is not a passive state. It is a verb. Love. Be in action to see the full extent of the possibilities before you.






This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you! All photos by Bianca Pittoors unless noted otherwise. 


Bianca Pittoors & Marc Langis are Bianca Basso. Creators of original music with a vintage flavor, they are distinctive in their contemporary style.

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