So here's the story...

“Every lie is two lies — the lie we tell others and the lie we tell ourselves to justify it.”
- Robert Brault -

There is the slippery slope. What is more dangerous: the lie we tell others or the lie we tell ourselves? I have caught many people in their untruths, even myself. I’m telling all my secrets now! Oh boy. Here goes nothing!

There’s a weird thing about me (Ok maybe more than one but only one for today.) You can’t lie to me. Oh I am trusting (or gullible) enough to believe almost anyone. I like to think the best about people so I never assume anyone is lying. However the truth finds me. It has happened so many times that it is not even funny. Example: a boyfriend, while in my twenties, tells me he’s going out with the boys (actually it was Monday night football; Tuesday, squash; Wednesday, hockey; Thursday, boys night; Friday well he's just too tired to do anythng.) No problem. Weeks later someone randomly tells me about their friend’s new boyfriend. Just happens to be mine. Ouch! All kinds of truths find me. Be they big or little it always hurts. It isn’t the truth that hurts. It is the betrayal. We have to first lie to ourselves, before we can lie to others. So why do we betray ourselves?

As I mentioned yesterday the first and hardest person we need to be honest with is ourselves. First we turn on the drama alert. Then we activate the “Could I be wrong?” After that we can proceed to asking ourselves why we feel the need to create an alternate reality. “History is shaped by the one doing the telling.”* Beauty is in the truth that lives within us.



*Wish I could claim this great line but it is from the program Being Erica.

This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you! All photos by Bianca Pittoors unless otherwise noted.

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