Let's try a little less drama before dying, shall we?

“If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die.”
- Maya Angelou -

It is interesting to come across this quote today. I was thinking about a lot of things. My mind is constantly hamstering* too I’ll have you know. My thoughts are like a whirlwind of feelings and factual observations and wonderings and why do I question if my generosity is all for naught?

I am an optimist as I mentioned before. As an optimist one of my particularly strong skills is seeing a multitude of possibilities before you can say, “But...” Sometimes I have gone to great lengths to make things happen: changed schedules, driven for hours, planned, connived, called in favors. If I can go the extra mile, I will. I love to make things happen! All this because when I love people, I get turned on by doing everything I can to make them happy. So why is it that that enthusiasm and exuberance sometimes end up fizzling out and dying? Before Marc, I was this too and yet obviously none of those romantic relationships worked. I can say that I give my trust and my love freely and completely right from the start. Today, what I was realizing was that when love goes unanswered and you start to feel like a relationship is a one way street, something dies. If something dies a little bit every day, love gets lost and respect falls to the wayside. Eventually there is no relationship. This applies to all our relationships too: love, family, friendship, professional; fill in your own blank here. So how do we find balance between self-respect and unconditional love?

I think we have to respect ourselves always, but we can accomplish this by examining every situation in a factual and unemotional way (thanks Russ for this rich life lesson!) If we can determine whether we are behaving from the trappings of drama, this would explain why we feel out of balance. After all, there can be no disappointment where there is no expectation. That is true unconditional love. I’m going to start by giving some to myself in the form of kindness. How about you?



This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you! All photos by Bianca Pittoors unless otherwise noted.

* See previous blog for Biancanary description.

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