I'm just trying to get a little peace

“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” - Virginia Wolf


Hello everyone! I have missed writing to you this past week and hope you are well. Sometimes, although anyone close to me knows it is rare, I have the need for quiet. I like to sit in my dining room where the sun streams in and have as few sounds as possible. In the calm, I find peace. It is like a Bibi re-boot. Ah that feels better.


It was a busy week too. Marc and I have so many projects brewing. Monday next we are back in Almonte with the wonderful Ken Friesen and the very talented Kevin Breit. Plus we have a concert the following week and a full roster in between. So how do you find peace when there is a constant bustle? My answer is: breathe. 


Singers learn to have an intimate relationship witht he breath at 

one point in their journey. I discovered that all situations can be managed effectively with a few deeps breaths. Besides shutting out the world does not change our reality. That only changes our ability to deal with reality. If you stick a half-eaten sandwich under the carpet, a week from now that half-eaten sandwich will still be there beckoning even louder to be dealt with. That is life for you. In our world we have teenagers; experts in the dramatic arts on and off stage. But drama and peace of mind don't fit in the same sentence. Nay, they don't even fit in the same story unless you are saying, "When I let go of my drama, I found peace of mind." I would say when I deal with my junk, I find peace of mind. When I face the reality of the world I live in then I take care of what neds taking care of. No more nagging at the back of my head because my brain knows I have not yet dealt with the half-eaten sandwich under the carpet. Not to mention it starts to stink and infect the rest of your metaphoric house! And by the way, drinking, shopping, overeating and overworking can all be metaphoric “Febreeze” that doesn't hide the truth in the end. One deep breath is all it takes to sniff out the truth.


So I invite you to deal with something today. Here is a hint on what to choose: the less you want to do it, the more you should. When you are done you will be glad that your half-eaten sandwich isn't stinking up your inner house anymore. 







More on Ken Friesen : www.kenfriesen.com


More on Kevin Breit : www.kevinbreit.com 


This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you! All photos by Bianca Pittoors unless noted otherwise. 


Bianca Pittoors & Marc Langis are Bianca Basso. Creators of original music with a vintage flavor, they are distinctive in their contemporary style.


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