God À La Carte

“God has no religion.”
- Mahatma Gandhi -

Well there has been a lot of talk about religion in the news lately. With the new pope announced it continues. So on Facebook a radio personality asked if religion was an important part of people’s lives. Most people said no. I wonder what people would have responded had the question been, “Is spirituality an important part of your life.”

Certainly I am a spiritualist. I have beliefs founded in years of study and years of living. Since I am a bit of a science geek, I find it difficult to ignore the spiritual side of science. What I mean is there are so many discoveries that science can’t explain. We are told that astronomers now believe that what we see in the universe accounts for only 5% of what is actually there. Woah! So I guess believing only in what you see doesn’t make scientific sense anymore. And of course we have access to so many philosophies. We can feed our soul with the messages that speak to us. Losang Samten sees religion this way: as when you go to a restaurant, each person must order what will nourish them.

Buddha did not set out to create a religion named Buddhism. Jesus did not set out to create a religion named Christianity. Religion is man made. Created, I think, to honor inspiring teachers and help us make a connection with God and ourselves. Find what nourishes you and be happy. In the end that is all that counts.



This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you! Today’s photo by Marc Langis.

Palm Beach, Florida

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