Go, go, GO!

“Goals are dreams with work boots on.”
-Dave Ramsey

This quote was posted on Brian Eckert’s Facebook page. I went to see his page after he liked something I shared. It is a video from the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. What touched me about the video was how ,because of his injury, we were privy to the true character of the Olympian, Derek Redmond. When we pursue our dreams, how do we know when to push on and when to move on?

We’ve all heard lots of success stories. Jack Andraka is a 15 year old scientist who discovered a way to detect pancreatic, lung and ovarian cancer. He received 199 rejections before Dr Maitra at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine took him seriously. Jack Canfield was turned down by over 100 publishers before someone agreed to publish his book “Chicken Soup for the Soul.” There are now over 100 million copies in print in 54 languages. Celine’s success is a combination of her vocal phenomenon and René’s unstoppable faith in his artist! Why did so many people cry when they watched that video today? I think it is because when we see this severely injured runner, get up and hobble to finish his race, it inspires us to find our strength. There is so much evidence of failure, yet he rises! Then when we see his father come along to help him accomplish his goal, it tells us if we keep the faith and keep going, help will come. When we choose to stay the course life sends us what we need. We can welcome those helpers that cross our path.

I would have to say, in answer my question, when we move on, we give up. Today I invite you to choose a dream, lace up your work boots and open your heart. Everything you need will be found along the way.



This personal blog was written by Bianca Pittoors. You may “share” it in its entirety. I respectfully request that you respect it as the intellectual property that it is. Thank you!

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The video of Derek Redmond at the 1992 Olympics : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5dgJwEvhrA

More on Derek Redmond : http://www.derekredmond.com

More on Jack Andraka : http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnnosta/2013/02/01/cancer-innovation-and-a-boy-named-jack/

More on Jack Canfield : http://jackcanfield.com

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